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Eternal Security: Can You Be Sure?
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Product details
Hardcover: 160 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson Inc; First Edition 1990 edition (September 15, 1990)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0840790953
ISBN-13: 978-0840790958
Product Dimensions:
5.8 x 1 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.3 out of 5 stars
135 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#311,577 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Finally getting this review done ...the question that will consistently come up during the Christian life i saved even though i did ...?..or will i go to heaven if i do ...???and dont have time to repent. . ???..honestly this question really can make a normal Christian person nutty with fear ....we love our AOG church dearly and love our history with the denomination but this and many others will literally turn your Christian security in jesus to ..if i mess up and dont have time to repent. never know you could actually go to hell even though we have lived all our life for jesus but that one little mess moment of weakness got ur behind on the barby ...i say BULL PUCKEY. silly that we think that little of God that he being our father is just sitting there with his finger on the button waiting. ...with a watch .. bc u better repent before u kik the bucket ... AGAIN ..BULL PUCKEY ..thank God for you God that you aren't that way..and you mr Stanley for this help and freedom from crazy to many .. also and most of all thank you God. dor my beautiful wife and her great Baptist heritage who kept me from literally losing my mind with frightful thoughts of burning for a cuss word or a thought or a magazine. .all i was sorry for but may or may not have had time to repent. ..we are and love our AOG church family but .. thank God for those Baptist and God bless em for the stand they take on ..blessed assurance. .and .amazing grace ...again rev. Stanley thank you sir ..with fright i was nearly about gone kookoo worried about every second of mishap i might do without repentance. ...anyways please if your Christian and you have fear that grace is only as amazing as how amazing you do at life ...get this book now ....dont wait an another second. ..get it now and give it away to everyone you know . Forgive any typo errors. sure you already did and i never had to ask but for our relationship i do and because of your grace to me. I has assurance. .tjank yuo .su moch
First of all I do believe that Dr. Stanley is a true man of God and a Bible believing Christian, who lives and preaches that life, from everything I've heard about him or things I've heard him say on the radio. I think he did a great job in giving Biblical evidence, (quoting Scripture) to back up his reasoning. Some of these verses are really, really, touch, and the fact that he seems to lean on "the context" of the verse, to me is very important, and sometimes can even be a "deal breaker", when it comes to "well, what is the real meaning here". God bless you, Charles, for devoting your live to Christ and helping others with your sermons and books and even the life you lead, (I'm talking about some of the stories you've told on the radio, where it really appeared that God was in charge in working out the issues at hand).
Excellent book! Charles Stanley writes from a personal perspective having fought against Eternal Security in his early years. Through careful study of scripture and listening to the Lord's leading, he is able to clearly and decisively explain the truth of Eternal Security from a biblical perspective as well as a personal perspective. If this is an issue that you're struggling with, struggle no more, you've found a sound resource for settling this issue.
Very well written and to the point, essentially affirming the following tenant: if you believe it's possible to lose Salvation, then you've sinned--blaspheming the Holy Spirit--and done so. So, Christ's sacrifice wasn't sufficient to the cause and only "perfect" you can take up the slack, to fill where He failed? No, Salvation is a gift erasing innate sin. The price you pay for volitional sin is a loss of rewards at the Bema Seat Judgment. Call on Christ to save you, to fill you up with the great Comforter, and have total confidence in Him. Do good works upon your Salvation foundation and keep your eyes on the prize: riches in Heaven!
Thank you Pastor Stanley for this book. Every scripture I've ever read that I thought meant the loss of salvation, you wrote about and explained how they have been taken out of context but when they're read in context, they take on their actual meaning. Thank you also for explaining how not every person that's got salvation will be treated the same in eternity. Every person will be judged and there will be some who get greater rewards in eternity than others so everyone needs to work out their salvation with fear and trembling (now I really understand this scripture) because what we do with our lives here on earth will definitely have either rewards or consequences in eternity! I praise the Lord for allowing you to write this book and for my friend Pastor Russ Williams to discuss it with our wonderful Spiritual Warfare walk-out class at Mt. Paran North in Marietta, GA.
A must read for anyone who has ever considered the possibility that their salvation can be "lost". Dr. Stanley does an excellent job of showing that believing that one can be saved and then lost is just a lack of faith in and understanding of the true power of the Blood of the Lamb. Argument after argument in favor of "backsliding" is refuted in a clear and concise manner.
First purchased and read this many years ago and passed in on to a friend. While participating in a SS discussion decied to read again. Dr Stanley is a gifted theologian and man of God. Recommend this book for everyone whose ever doubled eternal security of Gods salvation. It's not earned, it's Gods gift to all who believe and receive Christ as their Savior.
Lightweight theology by a lightweight theologian. While his overall conclusion (eternal security) is generally correct, he gets there by mishandling scripture. He actually weakens the case for eternal security by the weakness of his arguments.
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